Here's What's Been Going On...

Please check out Math, Literacy, Science, and Arts for updates...


Well, first of all, it looks like we've been posting some of our homework on the main page. If you are looking for homework and it is not posted, please email me.

This is a reminder for students who are away. Families are encouraged to ensure their child has caught up on all missed work. It is the student's responsibility to approach all teachers and catch up on work in a timely manner. Students are still having difficulty with this. This tells us that the students need more support in ensuring they catch up.

Taking initiative to find out on missed work is an ESSENTIAL skill as they make their way through the intermediate grades, into high school, and eventually into their future CAREER.


Thank you to all of you who came to check out Tech Night in our classroom! We were giving demos on Kahoot!, Google Read and Write, Career Cruising (along with career-finding surveys), and Smart Ideas.

Parents and students came to try out Google Read and Write


The Meadowbrook Honour Band received their first Gold at the OBA Festival on February 17th and were invited to REGIONALS!

The Honour Band celebrating with pizza and a movie during rehearsal time!

Homework for today:
1- Grade 8s will finish math test tomorrow
2- Tech night TONIGHT for all families! 6:30-7:30 open house, 7:30-8:30 there will be a speaker in the gym
3- Grade 7 oil spill conference next Thursday around 2pm
4- Grade 7 geog. presentation tomorrow