Week 1

What an incredible first week of team building, and learning how to work EFFECTIVELY in groups. 
After a long but exciting August, the classroom was finally ready for it's new students!
We used SNOWBALLS to share our experiences with negative "YOU" messages, and worked on changing them to "I" messages.
In MATH, we played "Get a Clue," where we worked as teams to build a structure based on a series of clues!

"Two to a Marker," was a success - reflecting on how collaboration can result in something better than we had intended.
"Milling to Music" on the first day, allowed us to find similarities between those in our new classroom community.

Finding constructive ways ("I" messages) to convey feelings.

Finally, we ended our week with a class meeting, led by CHIP! We reflected on our first week and discussed what we are looking forward to this year!