Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Meadowbrook! I hope all of you had a fun and relaxing summer. I am excited to be working with your child as their homeroom teacher this year. For many of our students this year, I had the pleasure of teaching them either last year, or when they were in grade five. Along with music, this year, I will be teaching your child math, science, literacy, and dance/drama. 

I am also pleased to announce that Mrs. Sturgeon, our SSC (Student Support Centre), and history/geography teacher, will be co-teaching the math and language program with me.

We are very focused on creating a fun learning environment, where students can investigate their way through problems. Our class will continue to learn techniques to reflect on their abilities, strengths, and weaknesses, in order to continue to grow academically, and personally. To ensure we create a strong support system for your child, we will be in constant communication with our teaching partners: Ms Berman/Mrs. Beckett (health/phys. ed.), Mme.  Cusack (French), and Ms. Aldridge (art), and have put into place a number of ways to communicate with YOU!

We understand that as this is the beginning of the year, you will be bombarded with letters and forms going home. PLEASE take the time to read through everything carefully, as this sets us up as a collaborative team for your child.


We encourage you to keep in communication with us. 

For quicker responses, please correspond with Miss Eisen via email. If you wish to speak with Miss Eisen over the phone or in person, it is best to set up a time via email.

To contact Mrs. Sturgeon, please contact her by phone, at 905-895-3081. Please leave a voicemail with a number she can reach you at, and she will return your call in a timely manner. 

For you and your child’s convenience, access to Miss Eisen’s BLOG is available. This blog will keep you informed on what is going on in each subject area, along with suggestions on how to enhance your child’s learning experience at home. On this blog, you will find important information on study tips, class policies, homework, and printable copies of handouts and letters home.

By entering your email address in the “Follow by Email” section on each page, you will be notified when changes have been made to a page. This is especially helpful when using the HOMEWORK page. 

Collaboration: Math and literacy will be taught using a collaborative team approach between Miss Eisen and Mrs. Sturgeon.

Why does this work well? The team approach allows for:
Differentiated learning - this means that students with different strengths and weaknesses will have more opportunities for programming that addresses everyone’s needs and learning styles.
Students will receive smaller group instruction.
Individuals will have more focused time with the teacher.

During this team-teaching approach, students may see us:
teaching one topic together
splitting tasks where one teacher is documenting, while the other is teaching or assisting students
teaching small groups separately

Text Books: 
Students will receive a math text book as well as activity books for literacy. Students will also receive text books in other subject areas (e.g.: geography). Students will be assigned a number which will correspond to ALL textbooks given to that individual.

Students will be reminded that they are not to draw in the text book (even if past students have). We will record the condition of each book before handing them off to the students. Students are expected to handle textbooks with care, and are NOT to make any types of marks within the book. These are very expensive to replace. Students who misplace or damage their text books will be responsible for the replacement cost.

Agendas - Each student will be provided with an agenda. At the end of each day, we will ensure that the students have accurately filled out their agendas, and will sign for each day (even if there is no assigned work). We ask that you sign your child’s agenda each night ensuring that you know about approaching due dates, along with homework your child may need your assistance with.

After 20 days of REGULAR homework completion (including signatures), students may have the opportunity to no longer require agenda signatures. At this point, teachers from all subject areas will be consulted to decide if exiting the agenda signature program would be best for the student. Students will ALWAYS be required to use their agendas regardless of signature requirements.

 Please note that students can be put back on the agenda signature program if he/she fails to consistently complete homework.

In-Class Binder- Each student will receive a white binder with dividers on the first day of school. This binder will be set up to help the students stay organized and efficient - maintaining a tidy desk. This will allow us to spend time on in-class activities, and learning, as opposed to putting our time towards locating work, handouts, and replacement sheets. 

What Now?
  1. Please sign your son/daughter’s agenda tonight
  2. Check out our Class Blog (www.misseisensmeadowbrook.blogspot.ca) and enter your email on each page to keep up to date with our class activities and homework.
  3. Along with your son/daughter, fill out and send back the next page of this letter.  
    • Please note that the complete letter (which has been sent home with your child) can be found under “Print forms HERE,” on our blog’s main page.